Thursday, July 9, 2009

Parts of a Horse

Characteristics and Functions of the External Parts of a horse
Forelock- the peice of main that falls inbetween the ears of the horse and runs down there nose
the function of the forlok is too keep the sun out of the horses eyes and to keep bugs away from there face.
Mane- is the hair alone the horses neck. the funtion of the main is to keep insects away from there neck
Tail- lone hair inbetween there butcheeks. The funtion of the tail is to keep the insects away from its but, maintain balance and for protection.
Poll- the area behind the horses ears. The function of the poll in riding is that the corect flexation of the poll indicate that the bit is in the horses mouth properly if it is not it shows over flexation that can have marks dropped in dessage.
Back: The part of the horse below the withers where the sadel goes. The function of the back is to support weight when riding.
Fetlock- the ankle of the horse its function is movement.
Frog- Part of the foot you clean out
Hindquarters - are large muscular area behind the hind legs
Forarm- area between the knee and elbow provides movement.
Croup - top of the hindquarters of a horse can be decorated for parades
Dock - part where the tail connects to the horse
Elbow- Joint of the front leg where the belly and the leg of the horse meet used for movement
Flank - the area behind the ribs infront of the stifle joint function is movement
Gaskin- the large muscle on the hindleg
Hock- large joint on the hind leg used for movement
Cannon - the area between the knee and the fetlock joint used for movement
Hoof- the part of the horse that they walk on function is support the horse body wieght and movement.
Knee - part of the horse that is a large joint above the cannon used for movement
Loin- the area right behind the saddel under the horse
Corronet- the ring around the horses foot that is muscular above the hoof used for support and movement
Shoulder- the part of the horse from the whithers to the point of the shoulder. Its primary functions are movement and jumping appility based on the angle of the shoulder.
Stifle- Part of the horse that acts like a human knee
Withers- Highest part on the back of the horse between its shoulder blades. Function is to measure hieght.
Major body parts of a horse
Forearm- Tennessee Walking horses have long forarms. This means the length between there caparus and there elbow is long
Breast - Tennessee Walking horses have narrow breasts. This means that the width between there front legs is relativly narrow.
Ribcage and flanks - Tennessee Walking horses are slab sided. This means that there is poor spring in the ribs to flatness and vertical alignment of the ribs.
Feet- Tennessee Walking horses have mule feet. This means that the horse has a narrow oval foot with steep walls. Also they have Contracted heals this means that the heal is narrow and the frog is deep.
Neck - Tennessee Walking horses have a long neck. This means that the horses neck is about 1/3 of there body.
Shoulder- Tennessee Walking horses have a slopping shoulder. This means that they have an oblique angled shoulder and there withers are set well behind the elbow.
Head - Tennesse Walking horses have a normal head this means that it does not have any specific traits.
Withers -Therobreads have high withers. This means that there 8th -12th vertabray his angled back creating a high withers.
Parts of a horse that contribute to balance
  • Tail
  • Neck
  • Head
  • Back
  • Hoofs
  • Ears

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